Intensity guide

Intensity guide

This guide will help you work through the sessions, getting the intensity right. Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) refers to how hard your body is working during physical activity. It ranges from 0 to 10, using numbers to rate how much effort you are putting into what you are doing.

While each person's stroke rate and style of Front Crawl might vary, the videos will give you an example of the incremental difference between each level. This will help you better judge how hard you should be working at each level.

Easy pace (RPE 5-6/10)

You are very relaxed, your easiest pace. This should allow you to focus 100% on technique without pressure on your breathing rate. Stroke rate is slow and easy.

Steady pace (RPE 6-6.5/10)

It is comfortable and very sustainable for long intervals/periods of time, 300’s - 500’s. Breathing is still very controlled. Stroke rate is slow and steady.

Tempo (RPE 7/10)

You are starting to work a bit harder, but you could still go significantly harder if you had to. You can hold pace consistently for mid-length intervals—100s-200s. You are starting to feel the breathing rate is under a little bit of pressure and stroke rate has increased.

Anaerobic threshold (RPE 8/10)

You are pushing hard but maintaining the stroke technique. You can keep everything together for shorter intervals, from 50s to 100s. Your heart and breathing rate are high. This will be tough, but you are not at your limit. Stroke rate is high, but still in control.

Fast (RPE 9/10)

You are going fast. The intervals are very short, so they can be done with good form. The effort level is high, but the heart and breathing rate won’t be too pressurised as the intervals are so short and recovery is long. This should be done at a high stroke rate, so you will have to be focused to make sure your technique is smooth.

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