
Example teaching

Before you purchase the course, we encourage you to explore the quality and variety of teaching materials and resources we offer. To help you make an informed decision, we provide examples of our content so you can see firsthand the depth and value we deliver. In this section , you will find examples of the following:

  • Technical focus and stroke breakdown
  • Drills
  • Sessions

Technical focus and stroke breakdown

Each phase of the course is designed to target a specific technical aspect of the stroke, helping you improve key areas step by step. You’ll receive clear guidance on what you’re aiming to achieve, along with detailed instructions on how to execute it. Plus, we provide a stroke breakdown video that highlights each part of the stroke in real-time for better understanding.


Each phase includes detailed videos that showcase the drills from three different angles: underwater, top side, and head-on. This multi-angle approach ensures you fully understand each movement, from your body position to your stroke technique. By seeing the drills from every perspective, you'll be able to grasp exactly what you should be doing and how to make adjustments for maximum improvement.


Below is an example of a session structure, with key abbreviations and terminology highlighted in red italics for clarity.

Each session follows a consistent format, starting with a warm-up and technique development segment, followed by the main set, and concluding with a cool-down. You’ll also receive reminders about optional equipment and a specific technical focus point to guide your improvement.

All sessions are available within the online course and can be downloaded as PDFs, making it easy to print and bring them poolside for quick reference during your workout.

Beginner (1300m)

Each level is its section, with the total distance covered included in the title.

Warm-up and Technique development

  • 4 x 50FC Easy Pace (RPE 5/10) Optional Breathing Pattern - Rest 20-30
    • 4 sets of 50m front crawl at an easy pace, effort 5 out of 10, breathing pattern however you want, rest 20-30 seconds after each 50.
  • 4 x 25 Head Lead Kick Easy Pace (RPE 5-6/10)* - Rest 20-30
    • 4 sets of 25m of this drill at an easy pace, effort 5-6 out of 10, resting 20-30 seconds after each 25; drill video available. *Equipment note below.
  • 4 x 25 Position 11 Kick Easy Pace (RPE 5-6/10)* - Rest 20-30
    • 4 sets of 25m of this drill at an easy pace, effort 5-6 out of 10, resting 20-30 seconds after each 25; drill video available. *Equipment note below.
  • 4 x 25FC Easy Pace (RPE 5/10) Breathing 4 or 5 - Rest 20
    • 4 sets of 25m front crawl at an easy pace, effort 5 out of 10, breathing pattern 4 or 5 strokes, rest 20 seconds after each 25.

Main set

  • Two rounds of...
    • Complete all of the below twice through.
  • 4 x 50FC Easy Pace (RPE 5-6/10) Breathing 2 or 3 - Rest 20-30
    • 4 sets of 50m front crawl at an easy pace, effort 5 out of 10, breathing every 2 or 3 strokes, rest 20-30 seconds after each 50.
  • 4 x 25FC Easy Pace (RPE 5-6/10) Breathing 4 or 5 - Rest 20
    • 4 sets of 25m front crawl at an easy pace, effort 5 out of 10, breathing pattern every 4 or 5 strokes, rest 20 seconds after each 25.
  • An additional 60-second rest between rounds.
    • Take an extra 60 seconds rest after you have completed round 1, before you start round 2.

Cool down

  • 2 x 25 Head Lead Kick Easy Pace (RPE 5-6/10)* - Rest 20-30
    • 2 sets of 25m of this drill at an easy pace, effort 5-6 out of 10, resting 20-30 seconds after each 25; drill video available. *Equipment note below.
  • 2 x 25 Position 11 Kick Easy Pace (RPE 5-6/10)* - Rest 20-30
    • 2 sets of 25m of this drill at an easy pace, effort 5-6 out of 10, resting 20-30 seconds after each 25; drill video available. *Equipment note below.


A brief outline of what you should be thinking about in terms of technique during the session, making sure you are concentrating on the correct element. Guidance on this and any equipment options are included after every session.

Phase 1: Head position and kick action

Technical focus point: Think about keeping your head well down. You look down, ears under the surface, leaning into the water with your chest. You should feel your hips and legs lift, glutes breaking the surface and feet fluttering right on the surface. You can concentrate on this on the strokes in between your breaths.

Equipment: Wear fins or buoyancy shorts to keep the RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) as close as possible to the prescribed level.

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